Hometown esthetician service goes from an average of 119 monthly visitors to 919

Achieved consistent growth in website traffic and first page ranking for competitive keywords.


Successfully ranked keyword terms on the first page of Google.


Increase in traffic since starting with Optim Marketing.


Achieved SEO score of 80. Scores in the 80-100 range indicate that a website meets top-quality standards for technical SEO.

The Company

Medical Spa provides customers with personalized skin care using state-of-the-art tools and top-of-the-line products

SkinPlus MedSpa provides esthetician services in Prescott, Arizona and San Dimas, California. Our licensed estheticians will provide your skin with personalized care to help you maintain a healthy and youthful look to your skin. Each offers years of clinical knowledge and client expertise so you can be confident your appearance is in good hands.

The Challenge

They lacked an online presence that would drive traffic to both physical locations

SkinPlus MedSpa needed a website that generated new customer leads in their San Dimas and Prescott locations. Optim Marketing developed a website, performed technical SEO, and improved SkinPlus MedSpa’s keyword ranking dramatically. They consistently receive hundreds of leads per month due to having a highly visible website that ranks higher than their competitors.

The Solution

What Optim Marketing did to achieve results

  • Successfully ranked over 60 keyword terms on the first page of Google.
  • 383% percent increase in traffic since starting with Optim Marketing (in under 2 years). From an average of 190 organic visits per month to an average of 919 organic visits per month!
  • Achieved an SEO score of 80. A score in this range indicates that a website is meeting top-quality standards for technical SEO, thus ranking higher and being more visible than competitors.

SkinPlus MedSpa consistently receives phone calls and new customer leads on a daily basis for both physical locations. We designed and developed the website around content, generating dozens of pages that we knew would drive more traffic and rank the website higher on Google. By targeting a variety of the most profitable keywords that we knew would yield a high return, we were able to increase ranking and traffic in both business locations.

Increase in organic traffic

Over 28,000 unique visits to their website from Jan, 2019 to Dec, 2022 while ranking on the first page of Google for highly profitable keywords in both locations.

Extra Insights

Lessons learned

Optim Marketing created a strong foundation by designing the website around content, since the customers in this niche typically want to be educated on topics before making a decision. By focusing on customer buying intent and optimizing the website for profitable keywords, we were able to quickly increase the volume of qualified traffic to SkinPlus MedSpa’s website in under two years.

Climbing the ranks of Google

112 phone calls made to the business in a 6 month period, which does not include website form submission inquiries. 925 business profile interactions, meaning that customers called, messaged through Google, or visited the website.

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